It is often said that there's no place as beautiful as home - although, as a travel enthusiast, I might not confirm that 100% 😉. But that's precisely why our homes should be sanctuaries where we feel both comfortable and secure. And this sense of security should extend to our families, children, and pets. So, what does that entail? For me it means creating the healthiest, chemical-free environment possible, especially when it comes to cleaning products.

Unfortunately, not all cleaning products are safe. Many households use chemical cleaning products - some with ingredients that are highly toxic and/or can cause health problems such as headaches, allergies or irritation. These ingredients can also enter our body through the skin through contact with the cleaned surfaces, floors, dishes, etc . In addition to the possible negative effects on health, there is also a risk to the environment, as the ingredients of the cleaning products can end up in nature via wastewater, especially if they are difficult to biodegrade.* But that doesn't have to be the case. You can also make very effective cleaning products yourself using simple “home remedies” such as vinegar, baking soda or essential oils.

But to be honest... I'm not really a big DIY fan 😊

Although... I am, if it's really easy. Because sometimes it's cheaper than buying a lot of products and you know exactly what's inside your product. But if the recipes are too complicated or require too much time or ingredients... I don't even start. 

That's why I need to find products that are either easy to make or ready-made and that I can trust to do what they promise. Not only in terms of effectiveness, but also in terms of the most natural and sustainable ingredients possible. And when it comes to cleaning products, I like to use ready-made products that I can – if necessary – improve, refine or adapt for a specific purpose with simple additional products (such as vinegar, baking soda, essential oils…). And with Young Living's household line, I have found products that I trust and where I can cover many uses with just a few products.

With the Thieves® cleaning lineYoung Living offers a gentle, natural and very effective line without harsh chemicals. Harmful chemical odors often found in conventional cleaning products are replaced by naturally occurring plant ingredients and essential oils, which also clean very effectively and protect the skin during cleansing. Not only are all products in this line made from naturally occurring ingredients, they are also cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. All contain the popular Thieves® essential oil blend and the range includes a selection of ready-to-use cleaning products for people like me who don't always have the time to follow their (sometimes complicated) DIY recipes. But with a few simple add-ons, you can easily create more products that meet all your needs.

The scent of this popular Thieves® oil blend is warm and spicy and is as popular as it is versatile. You can buy it either alone as an oil blend to improve your body's well-being or in the form of Young Living's Thieves cleansing and care products. In addition, the pure essential oils in the cleaning products make you feel comfortable while cleaning your home, your dishes or even your mouth.

Why is it called Thieves®?

Young Living’s proprietary Thieves® essential oil blend is made from 5 powerful plants: clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata, rosemary - and was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated and wore a special aromatic combination of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals that they believed provided protection while they were stealing from both the living and the dead. When they were eventually arrested, the French authorities recognised that there was such value in this mixture that the thieves received a more merciful punishment on the condition that they revealed the ingredients in their secret formula. And so, a modern-day must-have was created from a legendary fable. 
Why do I love the products? 

Thieves®+ essential oil blend has been one of my absolute favorites from the first day I learned about Young Living. On the one hand, it smells delicious, but also because it has given me the greatest improvement in my well-being, especially in the cold season or when traveling. For example, I use it aromatically or as a dietary supplement (see Thieves®+ oil). I hardly leave the house without my Thieves® bottle 😊. And since all cleaning products smell of this popular oil blend and all other ingredients are all natural and biodegradable, they ensure a good feeling and a clear conscience.

The "key product" and my favorite cleaning product: Thieves® Household Cleaner 
Made with the power of Young Living's Thieves® oil blend, Thieves® Household Cleaner is a concentrated, versatile solution that delivers deep cleaning as you clean, scrub, degrease, dust and more. And all without aggressive chemicals. I use it for all surfaces, floors, various stains, etc. As it is highly concentrated it can be diluted up to 30 times. Like this you not only do save money, you also avoid waste (up to 30 plastic bottles) and thus protect the environment.

How do I use it? 
I use an amber glass spray bottle, boiled water (no need to buy distilled water) for a mixture between 1:15 and 1:30. And I use some supplements for different uses. Here are a few possible applications:
Cleaning for every day: Distilled or cooled boiled water (240 – 700ml: depending on the type of dirt) & 1 cap of household cleaner. Spray on, let it work for a bit and wipe off. 
Bathroom Cleaner for sinks, mirrors etc.: as above only mixed with 1-2 tbsp vinegar
Cleaning of floors: 1 capful in half a bucket of water 
Bath Scrub: 1 cap of cleaner, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 drop of grapefruit, a dash of vinegar 
Tile cleaner: 2 tablespoons of cleaner, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1-2 tablespoons of Thieves® dishwashing liquid 
Jewelry cleaner: 2 caps of household cleaner and approx. 3 tablespoons of water 
And so on…

For more tips and recipes have a look into this online brochure:

Further products I love are the Thieves® Washing Up Liquid, the Thieves® Laundry Soapthe Thieves® Kitchen & Bath Scrub (ready-made scrub for kitchen, bathroom, tiles etc.),  and the Thieves® Spray which is the perfect solution for a clean environment on surfaces on the go or while traveling. I almost always have a bottle in my pocket or backpack while traveling to use on tables, sinks, doorknobs, bathroom surfaces, toilets, etc. as needed.

Extra tip: the Thieves® Washing Up Liquid and the Thieves® Laundry Soap are very concentrated. That's why I make 2 to 3 bottles from one bottle by mixing 1/2 or 1/3 of the product with water, a capful of household cleaner and a few drops of Purification, orange or lemon. If it doesn't foam enough, you can add a teaspoon of baking soda.

You are interested to buy? Contact me or purchase the Thieves® Starter Bundle at a special price here to start your journey to an eco-friendly home:

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Hey, I'm Lucy! 
After my world trip in 2018, 'ENJOY LIFE RESPONSIBLY' became my motto. Be inspired as I share my adventures, my evolving worldview, and my journey to a more responsible and natural lifestyle. Find out how my life is connected to “Young Living Essential Oils”, why travel and oils are my two great passions and how I combine them.


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