I'm Lucia - also called Lucy
Traveler, Entrepreneur & Lover of Life

Although I was born and raised as a country girl on a farm in a small village in Upper Austria, I have always loved traveling and discovering new things. After moving to Vienna at the age of 24, my dream of traveling the world and seeing lots of new countries grew stronger every year. But I rarely had the time for it.
Around my 40th birthday - I was living a relatively "normal" life, with a great career in a really intense corporate job in marketing - I had the feeling that something was missing. I thought back and forth about what I could do differently. I gathered all my courage, decided to make my dream come true and booked my trip around the world for 11 months
It was one of the best decisions I've ever made! And since then, my worldview and I have changed more than I ever would have expected. Now, my goal is to pay more attention to our beautiful world while enjoying all the incredible things and experiences it has to offer. 

That's why “ENJOY LIFE RESPONSIBLY” has become my motto. It represents a journey to responsible living, global exploration and the transformative power of nature's gifts. And it’s why I’m so excited to share with all of you through this site.
How essential oils fit in?
In my search for a new career path with more flexibility and especially more meaning to the world, I found Young Living Essential Oils. Or let's say “the oils found me” and revealed to me that the incredible beauty of nature can not only be discovered while traveling, but that nature's gifts can also support our health, our emotions and our well-being. And Young Living - with its values, its natural products, the vision of the founder Gary Young and the Young Living Foundation - reflect exactly what I stand for.
If these concepts will resonate with you, if you love to explore the world or if you too dream of a more meaningful, self-determined and joyful life, keep reading. I hope you'll find inspiration here, whether it's travel, wellness or pursuing a self-determined career: 

Find inspirations and tips for
your next journey

Explore the possibility of a self-determined career

Explore the fascinating world of essential oils & oil infused products

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. 
Jawaharial Nehru

If you still wanna know more about me read this: 

Follow me on Instagram: @lucys_worldview

 Copyright Lucia Etlinger